Check the Authorization guide on how to get an OAuth2 token, with the following scope:


Verify matching of a number of attributes related to a customer identity against the verified data bound to their phone number in the Operator systems. Regardless of whether the phoneNumber is explicitly stated in the request body, at least one of the other fields must be provided, otherwise a HTTP 400 - KNOW_YOUR_CUSTOMER.INVALID_PARAM_COMBINATION error will be returned.

In order to proceed with the match check, some Operators may have the requirement to perform an additional level of validation based on the idDocument property. This means that, in those cases, the idDocument is required and the provided value needs to match the one stored in the Operator system associated with the indicated phoneNumber. This validation will be done before proceeding with the match check of the rest of the properties. The following two rules apply only in the cases where the Operator have the requirement to validate the idDocument:

  • If no idDocument is provided, then a HTTP 403 - KNOW_YOUR_CUSTOMER.ID_DOCUMENT_REQUIRED error will be returned.
  • If the provided idDocument does not match the one stored in the Operator systems, then a HTTP 403 - KNOW_YOUR_CUSTOMER.ID_DOCUMENT_MISMATCH error will be returned.
  • There is a corner case where the Operator requires the idDocument to perform the match validation for the rest of the properties, but it also needs to be able to perform the validation only for the idDocument itself. In this case, if only the idDocument is provided along with the phoneNumber (either in the request body or extracted from the access token) then the match will be performed as with any other attribute and the response will contain the result of the match operation.

The API will return the result of the matching process for each requested attribute. This means that the response will only contain the attributes for which validation has been requested. Possible values are:

  • true: the attribute provided matches with the one in the Operator systems.
  • false: the attribute provided does not match with the one in the Operator systems.
  • not_available: the attribute is not available to validate.
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