How to use the Sandbox
Learn how to effectively use the Open Gateway Sandbox, a free and secure environment for testing and refining your applications with real-world API scenarios before deployment. Follow our step-by-step guide to maximize your development process and ensure a smooth transition to production.
Registering your application
Open Gateway APIs access is granted to applications, not developers, so every application can have limited access to the scope and for the purpose it needs.
Therefore the way to get credentials to test the APIs is to register an application in the Sandbox console. You will use your application credentials to authenticate your requests to the APIs from any test you code no matter if it is actually a comprehensive application or just a tiny script to run from the a command line interface.
How to access the Open Gateway Sandbox
To use the Sandbox, you must join the Developer Hub and enter in your private area
For every application you create, you will need to follow these simple steps to configure it:
- Select the APIs you want your application to test. It could be one or several APIs depending on your use case.
Select the usage mode for your application. You have the following options:
Production mode
Although our Sandbox is not a Channel Partner's production environment but a testing environment instead, it can route your API calls to our mobile operators to provide a real response if you test your prototype application from a device connected to one of their networks. That requires that you are the mobile line holder and have the SIM card installed in such device.
Movistar (Spain) is already available for testing from the Telefónica Open Gateway Sandbox, and other Telefónica operators in other countries will be added soon.
The production mode is disabled by default for Privacy reasons, but you can enable it by filling in your legal information and accepting the terms and conditions in the form that the Sandbox console will offer you for that purpose. You will have to provide some mobile phone numbers of your own which will be added to a whitelist that will allow you to test the APIs in production mode from your own devices and will block API usage accessing someone else's personal data.
Mock mode
You can test your application without the need to have a SIM card from one of our mobile operators. The Sandbox will provide you with a mock response for every API call you make.
The mock mode will also make available for you some APIs that are not still commercially available on our mobile operators, so you can test them in advance.
Briefly describe your application as part of the application onboarding process so that mobile operators can understand the purpose of your tests and validate it.
Since it is a testing environment, your application won't be rejected as per this information, but our Sandbox uses standard procedures to register applications in the mobile operators' systems which takes this data as mandatory.
These are the fields you need to fill in:
- Name: A name to identify your application by the operators as an Open Gateway APIs consumer.
- Full name: Your application's commercial name by which operators can find it in your website or application stores.
- Description: A brief description of your application's use case related to the usage of the APIs.
- Redirect URL: (Optional) For frontend triggered authorization flows, you must indicate an URI hosted on your servers for the flow to call back to your code for it to complete authorization and perform the service API request (check frontend triggered authorization flow for detailed information).
Check the specifications and accept the terms and conditions per API and operator.
Each mobile operator has its own terms and conditions for the usage of each API, and its own technical specifications you will want to consider when it comes to consuming them, so you will need to accept them for each API you want to test on each operator you have previously selected.
Since our Sandbox is just a free testing environment, specifications are not binding and conditions are meant for safeguarding privacy, even given that only whitelisted phone numbers can be used when testing in the Production mode with our mobile operators. In the case of the Mock mode, a global simulated operator will provide you with mock responses being the terms and conditions of the program you are member to that applies.
- Review the summary and confirm
- Once you have confirmed, your application is granted access to the Sandbox API gateway with its credentials.
To get your application credentials and use them in your prototype, go to the application details page on the My Apps section, where you will find the following information:
- Client ID: A unique identifier for your application.
- Client Secret: A secret key to authenticate your application to the APIs.
Note that if you selected the Production mode, you will have to wait for the approval of your application by the mobile operators you selected. When your application status is "Completed" you are good to test the APIs with your applications's credentials no matter what end-user phone number you are using. If you only selected the Mock mode, you can start testing right away.
Using the APIs
So far you have used the Sandbox console to register your application as the client to the APIs, which means your application is the entity granted access with its credentials.
You can use this credentials directly in the API reference
Now you will use such credentials to effectively consume de APIs from your code. You can use any programming language and any platform that supports HTTP requests, or you can use the Sandbox SDK for convenience. Our Open Gateway Sandbox provides you with a Python SDK and will publish SDKs in other common languages soon.
Check the pros and cons of using HTTP integration or SDKs to consume the APIs
When it comes to our Sandbox's SDK, the following particular considerations apply:
- Once you shift to a Channel Partner in a commercial stage, your production code will need to use their SDKs instead of the Sandbox's one you used for testing and prototyping or, in the worst case, you will have to use the HTTP integration method instead if no SDK is available for your app's language.
- Our Sandbox does not provide a fronted SDK, so if the use case you are prototyping triggers the authorization flow from the end-user device, you will need to implement it by coding HTTP integration. Once you progress to a production stage, you need to check your Channel Partner toolkit offering.
If you want to integrate the APIs from your code using HTTP requests, you will need to follow the API integration guide to understand the authorization flows and the API reference to know the endpoints and parameters you need to use.
The base URL of the API gateway in the Sandbox is the following:
The path URL to add to the base URL for each API is defined in the API reference.
API reference
You can check the OpenAPI v3 specification of each API in the API Reference section.
You will be able to test the APIs from their specification pages on the Sandbox by setting the host
variable to its default value, which is the Sandbox API gateway base URL.
Sandbox SDK reference
You can check the reference of the current Sandbox SDK reference in the Python Sandbox SDK guide. The scope of the APIs covered and the programming languages supported will be extended progressively according to the Sandbox roadmap.
Updated 3 days ago